Guiding Large Language Models with Hints (2024)

Aryo Pradipta Gema1  Chaeeun Lee111footnotemark: 1  Pasquale Minervini1  Luke Daines2
T. Ian Simpson1Beatrice Alex3,4
1School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh  2Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
3Edinburgh Futures Institute, University of Edinburgh
4School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, University of Edinburgh
{aryo.gema, chaeeun.lee, p.minervini, luke.daines}
{ian.simpson, b.alex}
Equal contribution.


The MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared task aims to assess the ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify and correct medical errors in clinical notes.In this study, we evaluate the capability of general LLMs, specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, to identify and correct medical errors with multiple prompting strategies.Recognising the limitation of LLMs in generating accurate corrections only via prompting strategies, we propose incorporating error-span predictions from a smaller, fine-tuned model in two ways: 1) by presenting it as a hint in the prompt and 2) by framing it as multiple-choice questions from which the LLM can choose the best correction.We found that our proposed prompting strategies significantly improve the LLM’s ability to generate corrections.Our best-performing solution with 8-shot + CoT + hints ranked sixth in the shared task leaderboard.Additionally, our comprehensive analyses show the impact of the location of the error sentence, the prompted role, and the position of the multiple-choice option on the accuracy of the LLM.This prompts further questions about the readiness of LLM to be implemented in real-world clinical settings.111Our code is available at

1 Introduction

Medical errors represent a major concern in the healthcare sector, leading to adverse patient outcomes and higher costs for healthcare providers.The detection and correction of such medical errors are critical in enhancing healthcare delivery and outcomes.Recognising the importance of efficient and precise medical documentation, the MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared taskBen Abacha etal. (2024a) is initiated to evaluate the potential of using Large Language Models (LLMs) as solutions to locate and correct medical errors within clinical notes.

In our study, we evaluated multiple prompting strategies such as In-context Learning (ICL) and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) to enhance the performance of LLMs, specifically focusing on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4OpenAI (2023).We proposed incorporating a smaller fine-tuned language model, namely BioLinkBERTYasunaga etal. (2022), to aid LLMs in locating an error span in a clinical note.We incorporated the predicted error span in two ways: 1) by presenting it as a hint in the prompt to direct the error correction, and 2) by framing it as multiple-choice questions where the LLM can select the most probable correction.

Our findings revealed that the LLMs show noticeable improvements in their generation capability when presented with more ICL examples.Similarly, the CoT prompt also improves the error correction capability of the LLMs.Among the different reasoning styles we experimented with, the LLM performs the best with brief reasoning.Our prompt design, which provides a hint about the typical nature of the errors and a hint from the error span prediction, further improves the LLMs’ ability to generate corrections.The combination of 8-shot ICL with Brief CoT reasoning and hints is the best-performing prompting strategy in the two provided validation sets.This pipeline ranked sixth in the shared task leaderboard.In summary, our contributions are as follows:

  • A comprehensive analysis of the impact of ICL on the performance of LLMs for medical error correction.

  • An extensive exploration of CoT to inject various reasoning styles into the LLM and their impact on the performance.

  • Novel approaches to integrate the predictions of a smaller language model into the LLM generation.

  • Sensitivity analyses of LLMs, highlighting how minor variations such as the error sentence location, the prompted role, and the multiple-choice positioning can influence generation capabilities.

Guiding Large Language Models with Hints (1)

2 Background

2.1 Task Description

MEDIQA-CORR 2024 taskBen Abacha etal. (2024b) comprises three sub-tasks, each addressing a different aspect of medical error correction:

Binary classification:

Detecting whether the clinical note contains a medical error.

Span Identification:

Identifying the text span associated with a medical error if it exists.

Natural Language Generation:

Generating a correction if a medical error exists.

Table 1 shows the statistics for each data split, organised by the source of the data and whether or not it contains a medical error. Each clinical note contains either one or no medical error.

No Error970025580--
Contain Error1,219031980--

The task uses accuracy for binary classification and span identification.The generated correction is evaluated using an aggregate Natural Language Generation (NLG) score, combining ROUGE-1Lin (2004), BERTScoreZhang etal. (2020), and BLEURTSellam etal. (2020), which is best aligned with human judgement, among other NLG metricsBenAbacha etal. (2023).

2.2 Related work

LLMs have shown remarkable capabilities in many NLP tasks, including in the clinical domain.Liévin etal. (2022) evaluated LLMs with various prompting strategies, showing LLMs’ capability to answer complex medical questions.Falis etal. (2024) uses GPT-3.5 to generate accurate synthetic discharge summaries by prompting it with a list of diagnoses.Gema etal. (2024) also shows GPT-4 in zero-shot setting outperforms other fine-tuned LLMs in a natural language inference task for clinical trial data.

However, despite the increasing use of general LLMs, their performance varies widely depending on the nature of the task.For instance, fine-tuned smaller encoder-based models (e.g., BioLinkBERT) still maintain the lead in tasks such as medical entity recognitionKim etal. (2023).Gema etal. (2023) showed that domain-adapted LLaMATouvron etal. (2023) outperforms the state-of-the-art models in clinical outcome prediction tasks.Such studies show that fine-tuned models are still preferable, especially in discriminative tasks such as classification and entity recognition.

In this study, we seek to combine the generative capability of LLMs with the discriminative capability of a smaller fine-tuned language model.We compared our novel method with solutions that rely solely on prompting strategies (i.e., ICL and CoT).

3 System Overview

We experimented with three strategies:

End-to-end Prompting Strategy for Error Correction:

This strategy treats all three subtasks as a single prompting task. The LLM simultaneously predicts if the clinical note contains an error, pinpointing its location, and proposing a correction.

Fine-tuning Error Span Prediction and MCQ- style Error Correction:

This method splits the task into error span prediction and correction. It uses a fine-tuned model for error span prediction, followed by MCQ-style prompts for correction.

Hybrid Approach:

As shown in Figure1, This approach uses error span predictions from a fine-tuned model as correction hints injected into the end-to-end prompting strategy. This is our best-performing strategy in both validation and test sets.

The following sections outline the details for the Error Span Prediction and Error Correction.

3.1 Error Span Prediction

We noticed that medical errors appear predominantly in the form of diagnoses or treatments, instead of the patient’s factual information.This finding motivated us to fine-tune an encoder model to first detect an error span within the clinical note.

We trained BioLinkBERT and BERT222Both base and large versions of the models using a question-answering pipeline adapted from the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD).We pre-processed the training and validation sets to align them with the SQuAD v1 format, which assumes that there is always an error span in the input.We introduced a template question, “Which part in the given clinical note is clinically incorrect?” in the question column of the SQuAD format.The trained model predicts the start and end indices, which indicate the position of the predicted error span in the text.

We trained and evaluated the error span prediction models only on clinical notes that contained errors.We evaluated the models using exact match (EM) and token-based F1 score metrics, using the latter to choose the best checkpoint.

3.2 Error Correction

We experimented with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 for the error correction step.We prompted the LLMs to return the outputs in JSON format for ease of postprocessing.In rare cases where the outputs are not JSON-parseable, we default the prediction as if no error was found.We integrated the error span prediction to this error correction step in two ways:

3.2.1 Multiple-Choice Question prompt

Guiding Large Language Models with Hints (2)

As shown in Figure2, this strategy involves two interactions with the LLM: 1) to construct an options set and 2) to ask a multiple-choice question.

In the first interaction, the model generates potential replacement options for the identified error span.Here, the predicted error span is replaced with a placeholder “<BLANK>”, and the LLM is tasked with generating n𝑛nitalic_n replacement candidates.During our experiments, we observed a pattern where the model often included the predicted error span or its synonyms in the options.To eliminate this redundancy, we added a directive prompt “Do not include the <predicted_error_span> or its medical synonyms in your answer”.

In the second interaction, we query the LLM with an MCQ-style prompt, which presents the full clinical note, with the predicted error span replaced by “<BLANK>”, and the options comprised of n𝑛nitalic_n LLM-generated options from the first interaction and the predicted error span (totalling n+1𝑛1n+1italic_n + 1 options).The LLM chooses the best correction among these options.Subsequently, we derive the error flag classification based on the LLM’s response, 0 if it selects the predicted error span as the correct answer, or 1 if the model selects one of the other choices.We experimented with varying the number of answer choices to two and four options.

3.2.2 Hybrid Approach

As illustrated in Figure1, the pipeline continues with the preparation of the ICL examples after the training for the error span prediction.For solutions that rely only on ICL examples and do not require CoT reasoning, we directly retrieve pairs of clinical notes and their respective ground-truth corrections as ICL examples.In contrast, CoT-based solutions require ICL examples with reasons provided.Inspired by He etal. (2023), we prompted GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo-0613) to generate a reasoning for the ICL examples.We selected GPT-3.5 particularly because of its generation capability and clinical knowledgeGema etal. (2024).

We experimented with three CoT reasoning templates: Brief, Long, and SOAP.All reasoning templates require the model to reason the ground-truth correction by identifying the incorrect span and providing the reasoning behind it.However, each format provides a different depth and structure of reasoning.The Brief CoT template prompts concise reasoning, the Long CoT template requires detailed step-by-step explanations, and the SOAP CoT template organises information according to Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan sections before making corrections.

During inference, the solution uses a selected reasoning format with ICL examples to correct clinical notes.The model applies a reasoning strategy to new scenarios based on the reasoned ICL examples which are retrieved using the BM25 algorithmRobertson etal. (1995), selecting examples similar to the clinical note in question.We also integrate a hint about the typical nature of the errors, focusing the model’s attention on specific biomedical entities such as diagnoses and treatments (i.e., “Pay special attention to biomedical entities such as chief complaints, medical exams, diagnoses, and treatments.”). We denote this as “Type hint”.Finally, we leverage the error span prediction by adding it as another hint, denoted as “Span hint” (i.e., “A clinician said that you MAY want to pay attention to the mention of <predicted_error_span>).

4 Results

Our experiments are structured as answers to sequential research questions.Firstly, we conducted experiments to find the best model for error span prediction, evaluating them on EM and F1 scores.Subsequently, we experimented with various prompting strategies for error correction, evaluating them on the macro-averaged accuracy and aggregate NLG scores across MS and UW datasets.The first error correction experiment starts with an end-to-end prompting approach, relying solely on the LLM capability with ICL and CoT to correct errors.We, then, experimented with integrating the error span prediction model into the error correction process via the MCQ-style prompt.Lastly, we experimented with the hybrid approach, integrating the error span prediction as a hint for the end-to-end prompting approach.We used GPT-3.5 in our error correction experiments on the validation sets333Due to a limited research budget., choosing the best prompting strategy to be implemented with GPT-4 on the test set.

RQ1: How well are the smaller LMs performing in the error span detection?

As shown in Table2, we experimented with general (i.e., BERT-base and -large) and domain-adapted models (i.e., BioLinkBERT-base and -large) for the error span prediction.We evaluated the models exclusively on a subset of the validation set that contains a medical error as stated in Subsection3.1.

Among all models, BioLinkBERT-large showed the highest EM and F1 scores on the MS validation set, indicating a superior ability to predict error spans within clinical notes.This suggests that the domain-adaptive pretraining that BioLinkBERT has undergone contributes to its performance in medical error detection tasks.However, all models struggle to accurately predict error spans on the UW validation set.Recognising this, we trained BioLinkBERT-large on the MS train dataset and 25% of the UW validation dataset as the error span prediction model for the subsequent experiments.


RQ2: Can LLMs perform well end-to-end solely with prompting strategies?

Before leveraging the error span prediction, we began our error correction experiment by solely relying on the LLM with prompting strategies to correct errors without any help from the error span prediction.This prompt-only end-to-end approach serves as the baseline for our proposed solutions.

RQ2.1: Do more ICL examples improve the LLM’s performance?

# shotsAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

Firstly, we experimented with varying the number of ICL examples on GPT-3.5’s performance across MS and UW validation sets.We did not report 0-shot performance as the LLM failed to generate a parseable answer, indicating that the LLM failed to complete the task without any examples.As shown in Table3, we observe a trend where the performance of the LLM improves in all metrics as the number of shots increases, with the 8-shot setting performing the best.Our subsequent experiments will use the 8-shot ICL setup.

RQ2.2: Adding a hint about the typical error

Type HintAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
0.5268 (-0.03)0.4526 (+0.01)0.5038 (+0.06)

In our first experiment, we observed that the LLMs tend to correct non-essential errors (e.g., grammatical and unit errors).Thus, we prompted the LLM with a hint about the typical form of the errors (i.e., “Pay special attention to biomedical entities such as chief complaints, medical exams, diagnoses, and treatments.”).Table4 shows the performance comparison between a prompt with and without this hint.When a hint is provided, there is a decrease in the error flag accuracy by 0.03 which may indicate that there are medical errors that are not one of the specified biomedical entities.However, this is compensated by improvements in both sentence ID accuracy and the aggregate NLG score, with the latter seeing a notable increase of 0.06.This indicates that while the hint may slightly hinder the model’s binary classification ability, it correctly directs the focus of the LLM in locating the error.

RQ2.3: Chain-of-Thought with various formats

CoTAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Brief0.5866 (+0.06)0.4989 (+0.05)0.5389 (+0.04)
Long0.6074 (+0.08)0.4717 (+0.02)0.4930 (-0.01)
SOAP0.5186 (-0.01)0.4058 (-0.05)0.4228 (-0.08)

Table 5 evaluates the effect of different Chain-of-Thought (CoT) formats on GPT-3.5’s performance.The absence of CoT (None) serves as a baseline against which the Brief, Long, and SOAP formats are compared.The Brief CoT format leads to improvements across all metrics, particularly in sentence ID accuracy and the aggregate NLG score, underscoring the benefit of concise, targeted reasoning in enhancing model performance.The Long format, while offering the highest accuracy in error flagging, exhibits a decrease in the aggregate score, suggesting that excessive detail may detract from overall correction quality.Conversely, the SOAP format results in declines across all metrics, highlighting that detailed and structured reasoning approaches may not necessarily be beneficial and may even hinder the model’s effectiveness.

RQ3: Can LLMs perform if provided with a span hint?

After the experiments with different prompting setups, we experimented with integrating the error span prediction into the error correction process.

RQ3.1: Can LLMs perform better with MCQ-style prompts?

As shown in Table6, MCQ-style prompt using error span prediction improved performance over end-to-end systems.This can be attributed to two reasons.First, the MCQ-style prompt provides options that match the specificity of the predicted error span in the original clinical note, limiting the LLMs’ tendency to generate generic corrections.Second, the MCQ-style prompt addresses the LLMs’ tendency to be verbose by limiting corrections to a specific error span.

Prompting StrategyAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
8-shot + Brief CoT0.58660.49890.5389
MCQ (2 options)0.61310.60290.6492
MCQ (4 options)0.60870.59440.6448

RQ3.2: Can end-to-end LLMs perform better when provided with a span hint?

In our RQ2 experiments with end-to-end systems, we observed limitations in the LLM’s ability to accurately locate errors within the clinical notes.While in RQ3.1, we noticed that integrating error span predictions helped improve the LLM’s performance.These insights motivated us to integrate the error span predictions from fine-tuned models to the end-to-end LLM solution.We denoted this solution as the “Hybrid approach”, as mentioned in Subsubsection3.2.2, leveraging the “Span hint” from the error span prediction.

CoTSpan HintAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
MCQ (2 opt)0.61310.60290.6492
MCQ (4 opt)0.60870.59440.6448
0.5671 (+0.04)0.5543 (+0.10)0.7348 (+0.23)
0.5610 (-0.03)0.5454 (+0.05)0.7385 (+0.20)
0.6048 (-0.00)0.4651 (-0.01)0.4822 (-0.01)
0.5237 (+0.01)0.4310 (+0.03)0.4884 (+0.07)

Integrating a span hint into the end-to-end LLM prompt resulted in improvements across all metrics, as shown in Table7.Notably, span hint significantly improved the aggregate NLG scores of Brief CoT and no-CoT solutions.However, span hint did not improve Long CoT solution, suggesting that the reasoning style may influence the LLM’s ability to leverage span hints.

Despite MCQ prompts demonstrating higher accuracy in error sentence identification, “Brief CoT” prompts combined with ICL, type hint, and span hints showed a higher aggregate NLG score, emphasising the different strengths of the two strategies.This indicates that the hybrid approach harnesses the LLM’s generative capabilities, while the fine-tuned error span prediction model helps direct these corrections to the appropriate error locations.

Performance on Test Set

Prompting StrategyAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
8-shot + Hints0.52430.46490.6274
8-shot + Brief CoT + Hints0.66810.59240.6634
MCQ (2 options)0.65730.59570.6267
MCQ (4 options)0.59350.52320.5882

We submitted our four best-performing solutions to be evaluated on the holdout test set.As shown in Table8, we can observe a similar trend as in the validation set experiments.The 2-options MCQ prompts show strong performance in accurately identifying the error-containing sentence.The 8-shot + Brief CoT + Hints method performs better, especially in the aggregate NLG score.This suggests that while MCQ prompts effectively direct the model’s focus, enabling accurate detection of errors, they may slightly constrain the model’s generative capability.Overall, these results highlight the benefit of using concise CoT reasoning in LLMs as well as providing guidance via targeted hints.Our best-performing pipeline, 8-shot + Brief CoT + Hints, ranked sixth in the shared task leaderboard based on the aggregate NLG score.

5 Post-hoc Analyses

Commonly reported NLG metrics tend to not be well correlated with human judgement, especially in the clinical domainBenAbacha etal. (2023).To understand the limitations of LLMs for clinical note correction, we extend beyond the reported performance metrics by analysing the sensitivity of LLMs to the data and prompt, as well as the common mistakes that LLMs tend to commit.444Post-hoc analyses are conducted on the validation sets.

5.1 Sensitivity

It is a well-known fact that the performance of an LLM may differ massively given slight differences in the way we prompt itVoronov etal. (2024).We analysed factors observed in the data and prompt that may contribute to performance differences.

5.1.1 Sensitivity to the position of error sentence in the clinical note

Guiding Large Language Models with Hints (3)

We investigated the sensitivity of the model performance to the position of the error sentence within a given clinical note, dividing them into three cases; if the error sentence is in the first sentence (“beginning”), the last sentence (“end”), or in between the first and the last sentences (“middle”).

Figure3 illustrates the relationship between the NLG metrics and the error sentence position, along with the proportion of the error sentence location.We can observe that ROUGE 1, BERTScore, and BLEURT scores do not vary significantly based on the position of the error sentence.This observation is quantitatively supported by the Kruskal-Wallis H-Test and the post-hoc Dunn’s test results shown in AppendixD.The test results reveal that the LLM’s ability to generate accurate corrections is not impacted by where the error appears in the input, which is a desirable trait.

5.1.2 Sensitivity to the role described in the system prompt

RoleAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
Clinician assistant0.56100.54540.7385
No role0.5570 (-0.00)0.5416 (-0.00)0.7504 (+0.01)
Assistant0.5509 (-0.01)0.5442 (-0.00)0.7504 (+0.01)
Medical student0.5539 (-0.01)0.5468 (+0.00)0.7484 (+0.01)
Nurse0.5763 (+0.02)0.5615 (+0.02)0.7424 (+0.00)
Clinical note verificator0.5554 (+0.01)0.5438 (-0.00)0.7518 (+0.01)
Clinician0.5793 (+0.02)0.5615 (+0.02)0.7615 (+0.02)

Owing to their instruction-following ability, LLMs are capable of playing a role as prompted by the userWang etal. (2023). In the clinical domain, we tend to prompt an LLM to answer a query as a healthcare professional, such as a clinician.In this analysis, we explored how the role prompted or the lack thereof may affect the performance of the LLM in generating corrections.We modify the system prompt (i.e., “You are <<a role>> tasked to …”) with various role options.Table9 details the varying performances of the best-performing 8-shot + Brief CoT + hints solution when prompted with different roles.The LLM performs best when prompted to role-play as a “clinician”.This phenomenon, known as In-Context ImpersonationSalewski etal. (2024), highlights that role-playing should be examined when developing a prompt-based solution.

5.1.3 Sensitivity to the position of the multiple choice options

Generated Option PositionAccflagsubscriptAccflag\text{Acc}_{\textbf{flag}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT flag end_POSTSUBSCRIPTAccsent_idsubscriptAccsent_id\text{Acc}_{\textbf{sent\_id}}Acc start_POSTSUBSCRIPT sent_id end_POSTSUBSCRIPTScoreaggsubscriptScoreagg\text{Score}_{\textbf{agg}}Score start_POSTSUBSCRIPT agg end_POSTSUBSCRIPT

Table10 shows the outcome of a sensitivity analysis, based on the relative positioning of the LLM-generated option and the predicted error span within the original text for the systems with MCQ-type prompts.Both binary classification accuracy and error sentence prediction accuracy were improved when the LLM-generated option was positioned as option B, as opposed to option A.On the other hand, the aggregate score for correction reveals a higher score when the LLM-generated option was positioned as option A, achieving a score of 0.6492.This observation of selection bias echoes findings by previous studiesPezeshkpour and Hruschka (2023); Zheng etal. (2023).

5.2 Common LLM mistakes

We qualitatively evaluated the common mistakes found in the generated reasons and corrections.

Corrections of marginal effects

LLMs occasionally make minor corrections to clinical notes that, although technically correct, do not significantly affect the correctness.Changes, such as altering “3” to “three” or fixing grammatical mistakes, might enhance readability but are not clinically significant.LLMs also tend to add adjectives, such as “acute” to “pyelonephritis”, adding specificity desirable in clinical settings but not always favourably reflected in NLG metrics.

Near-accurate corrections

LLMs often suggest near-accurate corrections that lack the required specificity.For example, fixing an error sentence with the generic “antiplatelet therapy” instead of “aspirin” misses the required precision, even though aspirin is an antiplatelet therapy.Likewise, proposing to “Start anticoagulation therapy” instead of the more explicit “dalteparin” lacks specificity.These near-accurate adjustments underscore the difficulty LLMs encounter in achieving the specificity of the ground truth label.

Mistake due to incomplete context

LLMs struggle to fix errors in clinical notes when details are lacking.One example is when the LLM mistakenly suggests changing “pulmonary fibrosis” to “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”.Both conditions share very similar early symptoms that are difficult to differentiate even for cliniciansChilosi etal. (2012).Another example involves incorrectly adjusting a malnutrition patient’s Body Mass Index (BMI) from 30 to 18.Albeit a BMI of 18 signals malnutrition, it deviates from the ground truth label 13.These instances underscore the complexity of the MEDIQA-CORR task, as well as medical error correction in general which is very challenging to do without additional context even for human clinicians.

In summary, the sensitivity and qualitative analyses highlight the current limitations of LLMs in the clinical domain, which prompt further questions about the readiness of LLMs to be implemented in real-world clinical settings.

6 Conclusion

This study explores strategies for using LLMs to detect and correct medical error for the MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared task.In addition to the comprehensive evaluation of prompting strategies based on different reasoning styles, we experiment with integrating error-span predictions from a fine-tuned model.Our best-performing system includes a fine-tuned BioLinkBERT-large for error-span prediction and GPT-4 for error correction. By harnessing LLMs’ generative abilities with 8-shot ICL and Brief CoT and presenting predicted error span as a hint in the prompt, our best-performing solution ranked sixth in the shared task leaderboard.Our post-hoc analyses offer insights into the use of LLM in medical error correction, including sensitivity to error location, role-playing bias, and common types of mistakes made by LLMs.


The scope of our study was exclusively confined to GPT-based models, namely GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.The reported findings may differ across different types of LLMs.Furthermore, we independently explored various prompting strategies, such as CoT and MCQ prompt.We did not investigate the effect of integrating MCQ prompt with CoT reasoning.This unexplored combination may offer additional improvements in the LLM’s error correction capabilities.

Our post-hoc analyses also reveal a significant limitation of LLMs in clinical settings.Despite the advancements demonstrated through our proposed methodologies, the study underscores that LLMs may not be ready for deployment in real-world clinical environments without human oversight.The analysis highlights the critical need for human supervision, especially given the potential risks associated with inaccuracies in medical documentation and the consequent impacts on patient care.This limitation calls for further research into enhancing the reliability of LLMs as well as the evaluation metrics before considering their implementation in sensitive areas such as healthcare.


APG and CL were supported by the United Kingdom Research and Innovation (grant EP/S02431X/1), UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Biomedical AI at the University of Edinburgh, School of Informatics.PM was partially funded by ELIAI (The Edinburgh Laboratory for Integrated Artificial Intelligence), EPSRC (grant no. EP/W002876/1), an industry grant from Cisco, and a donation from Accenture LLP; and is grateful to NVIDIA for the GPU donations.BA was partially funded by Legal and General PLC as part of the Advanced Care Research Centre and by the Artificial Intelligence and Multimorbidity: Clustering in Individuals, Space and Clinical Context (AIM-CISC) grant NIHR202639.For the purpose of open access, The authors have applied a Creative Commons attribution (CC BY) licence to any author-accepted manuscript version arising.Experiments from this work are conducted mainly on the Edinburgh International Data Facility555 and supported by the Data-Driven Innovation Programme at the University of Edinburgh.


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Appendix A Experimental setup

All fine-tuning experiments were run on a single NVIDIA A100-40GB GPUs.We used the HuggingFace’s transformer libraryWolf etal. (2020).The validation set was utilised to determine the best checkpoint.

In-context examples were retrieved from the Training set.Additionally, the validation set was used to evaluate and select the optimal prompt design.For the test submission, we also retrieved In-context examples from the MS and UW validation sets.

Appendix B Hyperparameters

B.1 GPT-3.5 Hyperparameters for the generation of Natural Language Explanation

We prompted GPT-3.5 (model name: gpt-3.5-turbo-0613) with hyperparameters as shown in Table11.The generation process took approximately 2 hours and cost $2.

Model Namegpt-3.5-turbo-0613
API Version2023-03-15-preview
Top P0
Frequency Penalty0
Presence Penalty0
Max new token256

B.2 GPT-4 generation hyperparameters

During inference on the test set, we prompted GPT-4 (model name: gpt-4-turbo) as shown in Figure1 Step 3.We set temperature=0 to ensure that the model’s generation is deterministic.The maximum generation length is 512, allowing longer CoT reasons.One generation process took approximately 2 hours and cost $35.

Appendix C Prompt Examples

Here, we provide examples of the prompts used in our experiments. The black text within the box represents the prompt input text, the red text represents the prediction of the models, and the blue text represents the ground truth.

C.1 Prompt for In-Context Learning and Chain-of-Thought

C.1.1 System Prompt

C.1.2 CoT reasons

C.1.3 Chain-of-Thought Prompt

C.2 Option Generation Prompt Multiple-Choice Question Prompt

C.2.1 MCQ 2 options

C.2.2 MCQ 4 options

C.3 Inference Prompt Multiple-Choice Question Prompt

C.3.1 MCQ 2 options

C.3.2 MCQ 4 options

Appendix D Statistics of “Sensitivity to the position of error sentence in the clinical note”



The analysis was split into two main tests: the Kruskal-Wallis H-Test to identify overall differences across sentence positions and the Post-hoc Dunn’s Test to investigate pairwise differences between sentence positions.

The Kruskal-Wallis H-Test was applied to compare the distributions of scores for ROUGE 1, BERTScore, and BLEURT across three sentence positions (beginning, middle, end) within clinical notes from the validation sets of MS and UW.As shown in Table13, statistically significant differences were found in the MS dataset for ROUGE 1 and BLEURT metrics, suggesting sensitivity to sentence positioning.

Following the Kruskal-Wallis H-Test, a Post-hoc Dunn’s Test was performed to conduct pairwise comparisons between sentence positions for each evaluation metric.The Post-hoc Dunn’s Test revealed no statistically significant differences between any pairwise comparisons of sentence positions for all evaluated metrics, suggesting that while overall differences exist, specific pairwise comparisons did not reach statistical significance.

Guiding Large Language Models with Hints (2024)


Why do large language models make mistakes? ›

The authors found the LLMs to be prone to similar content effects as humans. Both humans and LLMs are more likely to mistakenly label an invalid argument as valid when the semantic content is sensical and believable.

What is the difference between NLP and large language models? ›

NLP can be found in smart helpers, chatbots, machine translators, and other types of software that work with languages. Large language models are a subdivision of NLP, the job of which is to understand and make human-like text.

How do you train a large language model? ›

Training of LLMs is a multi-faceted process that involves self-supervised learning, supervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Each of these stages plays a critical role in making LLMs as capable as they are. The self-supervised learning phase helps the model to understand language and specific domains.

Why do large language models hallucinate? ›

This type of hallucination arises due to the model's limited contextual understanding and the inherent noise or errors in the training data, leading to responses that are not grounded in reality​.

Which are three limitations of current large language models? ›

While LLMs are powerful tools, it is crucial to understand their limitations to avoid potential pitfalls and ensure responsible usage.
  • Hallucinations and Misleading Outputs. ...
  • Technical Limitations: Input and Output Length. ...
  • Structured Data and Generative AI. ...
  • Addressing Biases in LLM Outputs.
Jan 15, 2024

What tasks are LLMs not good at? ›

LLMs can't do wordle. Or sudoku, or wordgrids, the simplest form of crosswords. This obviously is weird, since these aren't hard problems. Any first grader can make a pass at it, but even the best LLMs fail at doing them.

Is ChatGPT NLP or LLM? ›

These models, called large language models (LLMs), are capable of generating text on a seemingly endless range of topics. Understanding LLMs is key to understanding how ChatGPT works. What makes LLMs impressive is their ability to generate human-like text in almost any language (including coding languages).

Which is the most powerful large language model? ›

Megatron-Turing NLG (Google AI)

Megatron-Turing NLG, a collaborative effort between NVIDIA and Microsoft, this model is notable for its ability to process and analyze language at a large scale, handling extensive datasets with complex linguistic structures. It is known for: Handling large-scale language tasks.

Is NLP vs ML vs deep learning? ›

ML focuses on algorithms that allow computers to learn and make predictions from data. Deep Learning employs artificial neural networks to model complex patterns. NLP enables machines to understand and generate human language, while Computer Vision focuses on processing and understanding visual information.

Can I build my own large language model? ›

Building a large language model from scratch requires a comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). Machine learning knowledge is critical for selecting the right algorithms, training the model, and evaluating its performance.

What is a large language model in layman's terms? ›

Large language models (LLMs) are machine learning models that can comprehend and generate human language text. They work by analyzing massive data sets of language.

How long does it take to train large language models? ›

Training Time: It can take months to train a large language model. Even after training, fine-tuning by humans is often necessary to achieve optimal performance. Data Collection: Acquiring a large and diverse text corpus for training can be challenging.

How often does ChatGPT hallucinate? ›

Hallucinations ranged from 3% for Chat GPT 4 to over 27% for Google Palm 2 Chat.

Why large language models are poor theories of human linguistic cognition? ›

LLMs are not biased in a way that would lead to these universals (nor is there any reason to think that just making future LLMs bigger and more powerful than current ones should change this), and in the absence of other explanations for why these universals should arise from an unbiased learner, LLMs remain a deeply ...

How to make ChatGPT hallucinate? ›

While ChatGPT can hallucinate all on its own, you can also make it happen by asking it a question based on false information. For example, I asked it to tell me who was the sole survivor of Titanic, despite knowing that over 700 people actually survived the catastrophe.

What are the dangers of large scale language models like this? ›

1 - Risks in the context of proper use of LLMs
  • R2. Lack of Quality, Factuality, and Hallucinating.
  • R3. Lack of Up-to-dateness.
  • R4. Lack of Reproducibility and Explainability.
  • R5. Lack of Security of Generated Code.
  • R6. Incorrect Response to Specific Inputs.
  • R7. Automation Bias.
  • R8. ...
  • R9.
Apr 28, 2024

Why are errors relevant in language learning? ›

According to Corder (1976), errors signify three things: first to the teacher, in that the learner tells the teacher, if they have undertaken a systematic analysis, how far towards that goal the learner has progressed and, consequently, what remains for them to learn; second, they provide the researcher with evidence ...

What are the limitations of LLM reasoning? ›

Limited reasoning – LLMs struggle complex multistep problems

While LLMs can produce very coherent and fluent writing, they often struggle with tasks that require complex logical reasoning, multi step problem-solving, or quantitative analysis.

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