Idaho Semi-Weekly World from Idaho City, Idaho (2024)

IDAHO WOULD. C. B. Bditob 3, 1893 L4Ii.ak.lul ud the ClovernMent Iclnt. The Hawaiian steamer "Claudine," which arrived in San Franciaeo on Jan.

28th, brought news of a' revolution at Honolulu. The revolutionists overturned the Hawaiian government and United Statot troops were landed, provisional government was established and a commission beaded by Thurston came on the Claudine en route to 'Washington with petition to the United States to annex the Hawaiian Islands. The story of the revolution is as follows: Queen Lilfuokaliiii attempted, on Jan. 18th, to promulgate a new constitution depriving foreigners of the franohlse, abrogating the House of Nobles, and giving her power to appoint a new House of Nobles and giving her power to appoint a new House. The foreign residents at ones appointed a committee of safety of thirteen, who oalled a mess meeting which unanimously condemned the nation of the Queen, end authorised the committee to take whatever action necessary for the publie safety.

On the 18th the committee issued a proclamation recounting the history of the islands and calling attention to the misrule of native monarcha, reciting the repeated attempts of the Queen to extend royal prerogatives and abridge the rights pf the people, and declaring that unless redioal measures were taken the credit of the islands at home or already damaged, would be wreoked, and the guarantee to life and property steadily decrease. Therefore the monarobial system of government was declared abrogated and a provisional government established until the terms of a union with the United States could be negotiated and agreed upon, suoh provisional government to oonsist of S. I). Dole, S. King, P.

C. Jones and W. Q. Smith, to administer the various executive departments, with the first named as President, end with an advisory eosicil of fourteen members with general legislative powers. The Queen and Cabinet yielded unconditionally.

Ulk fcjr Haaglas Dwaoorst, Jin 17 Ih. Tuesday morning the particulars of the suioide of Mrs, Qlena Prang, a middle-aged Norwegian woman living a few miles from this oity was the toplo of conversation. The family, consisting of husband, wife and four ohildren, have been loeated here for some years, and about two years ago the husband, without any warniag whatever, ran away leaving the wife and family destitute, lira. Preng tried in every way to provide a home for the children until she became worn out with the struggle and became an invalid. She moved to the home of her brother-in-law, at which plaoe she remained until bar death.

Saturday she was feeling better and left the house, presumably to visit her friends a short distance away. Shortly afterward one of the family went to the same neighbor's and was surprised at not finding her there. Search was at onee instituted, and after boors of bunting she was found by her eldest son, hanging from one of the beams in her brother-in-law's cow barn. She bad been dead some time when found. At tha annual meeting of the Bimetallic League, held in Manchester, England, on Jan.

28th, the report for the year showed great progress. Vigorous aggressive work was urged in view of the fact that the Brussels conference would re-saseinble in May. Sir William Henry Houldsworth, one of the British delegates to the Conference, denounced as artificial tba scheme proposed by Alfred De Rotheobild for tbe purchase of an allotted quantity of eilver under international arrangement. Sir Guilford-Lindsey Moles worth deolsred that the bad resolvod itself into a fight between Lombard street and the interests of England. Tbe meeting was largely attended and considerable enthusiasm displsyed.

Democrat: The only lady, probably, in tha United States, who bolds tbe position of Vice President of press association, is Mrs. Ads Merritt of the Salmon City Recorder, Idaho. She was not present at tha meeting, and when elected, brother Gann, of the Sentinel, who had been made President, and it a bachelor, blushingly tendered bis resignation, fearing, no doubt, that be might fall a victim to the charms of the fssoinaiiog widow. Hie resignation was not aooepted, and be will to take his All By Himself. Detroit Tribune.

It all happened in one of ocean's osves, where the star fishes love to linger and seaweeds cling affection' ately to the insensible rock. An oyster rushed wildly into the bumble home bis industry and frugality had provided. He was very much agitated. His wife, arreeted in her household duties, turned pele. Oyster alive," the gasped, "what has happened?" My darling," he impressively exclaimed, "good-by!" She sank into seat with a low moan.

A terrible fear gnawed at her breast. "Are you oalled to the upper world?" Her voice died on her lips. Sbe read in hia faee that her worat fears were confirmed. Merciful heavens!" Burying her faoe in her bends she wept copiously. Hastily gathering together a change of underclothing the oyster stood at the door and caat about him one laat glance at the beloved plaoe he would see no more.

Suddenly his wife sprang to her feet. My life," the o-ied, 1 will go ith He shook hia head. No," be groaned, I must go alone. am wanted for a church soolable." Dashing a tear from hia eye he kisaed her oheek and was gone. At a large meeting held in Calcutta, India, on Jan.

28th, at which all the mercantile claaaea were represented, resolutions were adopted demending that in view of the failure of the Brussells monetary conference to arrive at any conclusion on the bimetsllio issue, the government of India should immediately olose its mints to free coinage. MATT. MARZ, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. ALL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. on Hand-- All Simea of My Own Make, At Low Prices.

trXTAll work guaranteed. NEW METHOD OF Gum Boot Patching, Neatly and Successfully Done. North side of Wall stieet, first door below Watts' law office. April 'til. r.

I. Crania, J. P. Barry. 4 Chabot DRY GOODS 8TORE.

(No. 887 Main BOISE CITY, IDAHO. patterns nryatallue silks Few dreas patus to $11 fiftinch teliuch Iteadfortl corde fit) lueh storm All our all wool sultlutfs Bluk Draw Good. Fine quality brilllautiue Hu par ior quality and joey Rad load cord, fiivtmh Bilk finish 811k warp bsurlel ta, fi4 un $1 2 ft Cornu and Usdarwaar 800 to Si 00 Children', and Mum' Waiata. LEATHER GOODS.

Wa sra ov. wih had In pocket books, shopping bags, card rasas, aud will offer them at a very low margin. Comforters, 95o and $2.00. Ooahmere. wqolsu and cotton hose.

Knit skirts. Cash tu sad hglr shawls The White Houae, Boise City, Idaho. BLACKMORE A KENT. i EMBALMERS Ho UI 14aks St. Bouo City.

Idaho by telephone or telegraph promptly attended to. The Salt Lake TRIBUNE a newspaper devoted to the best interests of die Western slope, and particularly to tbe development of the Intermountain country. For advertising purposes incomparably tbe beet paper between tian Francisco and Denver. Daily, 365 issues per 00 Weekly, 12 pp. per 00 Weekly, all 150 Weekly, three 75 Address, TUB TRIBUNE, Saw Orrr, Uran Delinquent Tax Uit-lllfi.

Notice is hereby given that I have this day levied upon the following described property in accordance with law, and that on Monday, February 18, 1898. between the horns of 10 o'cIock a. and 9 n'r locx p. of said day, in front ol the Court House of Boise oounty, I will, in obedience to law in this case made and pro vided. commence to sell the following described property, or so much as may be necessary to satisly the taxes and costs thereof banister and lumB StttO; tax, penalty and Ball, W.

T. Rom on Uad iod property, Ui, penalty and Barker, C. Imp- on land and nar. property, $HK); tax. paualty anil Baara, J.

on land and per, pioparty, $275; tax, penalty and Carrol). Dan, and per. and eoat ole, on land and per. property, $80; tax, penalty and coat. Croaa, Haary, Tan on land and par, property, $245; tax, penalty and Carpenter, J.

on land and par. property, $274; tax, penalty and Dymoke, on land and per. property, $321; tax, penalty and Darla, V. 8., on land aud per. property, $501; tax, penalty aud eoat Bra nr, Kaser, Van on land and par.

property, $285; tax, peunity and coat Ingatram, Parry, on laud aud per. property, $215; tax, penalty ana Flannery, John, Imp. on land nod per. property, $05; tax, penalty and coat Oowl, Kvarmen, on laud amt property, $140; tax, peualty aud coat and coat Kenney, on land and per. property, $100; ax, penalty and Kimball, L.

8,, Van on land and per. proparty, $675; tax, penalty and Kirkpatrick, Jamas, estate, tax, penalty and Lorton. Charles, on land and per. property, $445; (ax, penalty and Macomb, Newton. Center--Imp.

on land and per. property, $75; tax, penalty aud ca McCall. Tournas. Lardo -Imp. on land and per.

property. $255; tax, peualty and McDowell, Henry. Roe on land and per. property, $155; tax, penalty and coat McGee, J. Vau on laud and personal property, $906; tax, penalty and coat Pottenger, J.

on laud and personal property, $140; tax, penalty aud coat Prascott ou laud and per. property, $212; tax. penalty aud Rude, Andrew, Jackses on and per property, $50; tax, penalty aud Ratcliff, II. on land and per. property, $llO; tax, penalty and Ratcliff, Hyiveater, on land and per.

property, $95; tax, penalty aud Robinson, L. Van on land and per. property, $225; tax, penalty and Reed, George. on laud and per. property, $100; tax, penalty aud oast Ratcliff, John.

on land aud per. property, $J00; tox, penalty aud coat Bacon. George, More on land $290; tax, penalty and Shaw, on land and per. property, $200; tax, peualty aud Shaw, on land (. penalty Sultx.

J. on land and per. property, $087 tax, penalty and cost Soreuaon. ou land and per. property.

$185; tax, penalty and coat Schuller, John, on tend and per. property. $030; tax, penalty and cost Smith, George on laud ami p'y, $188; tax, penalty aud coat Stewart, O. Van on land aud per. p'y, $123; tax, peualty and cost Stunx.

August, Vau on laud and per. p'y, $268; Ux. penalty aud Troe, G. on land aud per. p'y, tax, penalty and Thompson, J.

on land and per p'y. $125; tax, penalty and Turner. A. on land and per. p'y, $185; tax, penalty and coat Tompkins, Peter, on land aud per.

p'y. $3UU; tax. penalty aud Wo tan, G. High p'y, $196; tax, penalty and coat 7 Williams Br a A Reed, Dry power saw mill and lumber, tYUO; tax. penalty and coat Wonu Lee Co phir Creek Ditch and Water Right, tax, peualty and ft Warner, M.

V. on Und and per. p'y, $dti0. tax, penalty and coat 12 Willey, on 1 and per p'y, $115; tax penaland 4 Worley, R. on laml and per p'y, $120; tax, penally aud 4 T.

E. CROFTON, Assessor and Tax Collector. Idaho Citt, Idaho, Dec. 18, 1892. Treasurer's Notice.

The following Couuty General warrants of 1890 ar. pat able at mv office; Noe. 396. 407. 435, 437, 530, 897, 526, 537.

398. 403, 513, 413, 423, 411, 533, 400, 493. 418. Road Fund. 161.

163, 154 F. F. Chlbch. Treat. J.

A. Lippincott, Deoulvs Idaho City. Aug. 12. DBY GOODS, no 7 Gf oodi Ladies' Outerwear CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS.

8. T. DAVIS, K. K. DAVIS LUj (Successors to Cave Davis) Dealers in Fresh Groceries anil Provision.

CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS, LADIES' AND CH1LDRE VS SHOES, HARDWARE, IRON ANO STEEL, TINWARE, HARDWOOD, GRAIN, Ac AU goods at lowest rates. Main street, Idaho City Our motto is, Cheap for Cash." Call and get our prices and be convinced. DA Vit) MRS. A. ORCHARD IDAHO CITY.

IIMIE S-s it THi win. Xjffir Tbe restau-ant will be run in First-Class Style and the tables filled with the best the market affords rr.mA TM BHDS, FANCY GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, WINES AND LIQUORS, GOODS Trunks, Valises, Fur Robes, finest in the market, BOOTS AND SHOES, CARPETS, WALL PAPER, HOUSE LINING, The highest prices paid for Furs. Oct 18-tf. Treasurer's Notice. The following County Warrants will be puid on presentation at my office.

HOAD. All warrants "registered" prior to April 17, 1890. HOSPITAL. All warrants registered prior to October 18, 1889; also No 425, of 1889. COUNTY All warrants registered prior to January 16, 1891; also No.

13. of 1891. F. F. CHURCH.

Co. Treas. Idaho City. Dec. 7, 1892 Dissolution Notice.

The partnership heretofore exiting between John McKay am) Malcolm McLean, in itauuer, is day tllanolved by mutual Ail paries kflowing themselves indebted to them can settle with eith-r of 'be above named part es. All debts of the firm will be paid by Malcolm McLean. John McKay, Malcolm McLean. Bankxb, Idaho, January 11,1893. Where do you pure chase your groceries? Buy them of NORMAN H.

YOUNC, CXXTBXmXE, IDAHO. AND SAVE MONEY. He carries a full line of mxws mhdhcthd Fancy and Staple Groceries. JOHN KENNALY, in-- HARDWAHB MANUFACTURE 11 OF TIN WARB, Slxoet-Iron, COPPERWARE Particular attention given to Kepairing Tinware and pumps. Also, dealer in Cooking and Heating STOVES, LEAD AND IRON PIPES, Pumps, Hose, Nails, Glass.

Hope, SHOVELS, Sporting and Blasting Powder CUTLERY, SHOT, CARTRIDGES, REVOLVERS, Hay and Barley Forks, Fork Handles Scyths, Snaths and Grain Cradles Plows Cultivators, AN I 1 MILLS, MACHINE EXTRAS WAGONS. Agent for the Celebrated Buckeye Harvest MACHINERY, AND SULKY HAY RAKES. I now carry itock of IRON AND STEEL WAGON WOOD Horse Shoes and Horse Nails Idaho City, May 18. Notice oi Forfeiture. To Harry Friend: You are hereby notified that I have expended two hundred 200 dollars in laoor and improvements upon the Summit qnaitz claim, in Willow Creek ng district, Boise county, Idaho, in orderte hold claim undar of Section 2824, Revised Statutes of the United States, io' the years 1891 and 1892, That tli proportion of said expend ture due by you in One Hundted 100 Umlars, aud if, witbiu ninety days after the legal publiiatiou of this notice, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of said expenditure, sud with legal st of ibis publication, your interest will become the property of the undersigned, uuder Bald Section 2324.

II. A. SCHLOSSER. Idaho City, Jan. 3, 1893.

llolse City MARBLE WORKS. Manufacturera ami Dealers Italian Marble anil Granite Monuments, Tombstones, 1- blets, Statues, Iron Fences, and all kinds of Cemetery work. We have secured the services of a first-class workman from the EastWe are better than ever prepared to do first-class work, at such extreme ly low prices as to defy competition We have also received a fine selection original designs, both in granite and mar ble, 10 that parties can make as good a se lection trom these designs as can be found anywhere in the United States. Please call and examine, or write for our designs and prices, before placing your or. ders elsewhere.

We will make it'to your interest to do so. Our designs in Iron Fences are the best and cheapest in the world. We can furnish a good Wrought Iron Fence nearly as cheap as a wood fence. JAMES DYMOKE, F. A.

NOUHSE, ManaSer Proprietor. Treasurer's Notice. The following warrants are now paya ble at my office; 1 COUUTY OENEBAL FUND A 1 ar aDl egi lo -1, 1891; also, Nos. 442, 47b, 130, 178 153 177, 167, 169, Registered April 21 1391 Boad fund A i 1 ir rr tSr istertli rior 10 October Also, Nos. 545, 539, 544, of) 1890.

15.1890 HOSPITAL FUND. Warrant No 427, ot 1389. BBIDOR FUND Warrants Nos. 61, 62, of 1892 Jan. CHURCH, Jam WOO.

CL. Itxx A WJpUA, Upholstering Good. -and' ECOUSH NEW STORE! NEW COODS! NEW L. Weil, Sontia's Opera Block, Boise City, Send tor kith, 5 JOHN H. MYER, ISIDOR SMITH PLACEKVILLF.

IDAHO CITT, 9IYER SMITH are uow receiving their large stock of FALL AND WINTER G-OODS, -consisting ofGROCERIES, All nevi and fresh, CLOTHING In every variety. Rubber Boots, Overshoes, All sizes and styles. BLANKETS SIX DIFFERENT COLORS. RUBBER COATS, ALL We have a very large and fine stock of the latest stries and makes. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, -a full Papers, latest patterns.

TRUNKS AND VALISES In great variety. We Are Headquarters for TOBACCOS AND CIGARS Will sell Lorillard's Climax, J. B. Pace's Tobaccos, Liggett A llyer's Star, in quantities AT PORTLAND PRICES. In fact, wc have everything kept in a first-class General Merchandise Store.

Our stock of Groceries is the largest we ever had, and will be cheaper than ever. GET OUR PRICTS BEFORE PURCHAS INC, AS WE WILL UNDERSOLD. i 3 LUNA HOUSE. -A. First-Class Hotel, Corner Montgomery and Commercial Streets, IDASO CITT, IDAHO.


CIGARS, STAGES LEAVE DAILY FOR SSF Boise City, Centerville, Placervil.e, Quartzburg and Bannerol He is prepared to furnish anything in the BAKERY LINE at ruinously low figures, 53 THE Idaho City, January 1, 1884. JANIES A. PINNEY BOISE CITY, IDAHO, Have the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK To be found In any one establishment in the State. Bend your early or in person and see for yourself their Immense StockJob Printing Every -A-t tiie I dullo.

Idaho Semi-Weekly World from Idaho City, Idaho (2024)


What is the altitude of Idaho City, Idaho? ›

Idaho City, city, seat (1864) of Boise county, southwestern Idaho, U.S., above the confluence of Elk and Mores creeks. It lies in a mountainous area of Boise National Forest at an elevation of 4,400 feet (1,340 metres), 24 miles (39 km) northeast of Boise.

When was Idaho City founded? ›

Idaho City was founded in December 1862 as the town of “Bannock” (and sometimes “West Bannock”) during the Boise Basin gold rush, the largest gold bonanza since the California gold rush a dozen years earlier.

What county is Idaho City in? ›

Idaho City CCD, Boise County, Idaho is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Boise County, Idaho.

What is the highest elevated town in Idaho? ›

Island Park is located at 44°29′59″N 111°20′19″W (44.4996, −111.3387), at an elevation of 6,293 feet (1,918 m) above sea level, making it the highest city in Idaho.

What town in Idaho has the lowest elevation? ›

The lowest point in the state of Idaho is located on the Snake River in Lewiston, where it meets the Clearwater and flows west into Washington. The populated areas in Idaho with the lowest elevations are along (or near) the Clearwater River, from Lowell at 1,486 feet (453 m) to Lewiston.

What is the oldest town in Idaho? ›

The oldest continually settled town in Idaho, Franklin was founded in 1860 by Mormon pioneers. Several original buildings stand in the historic district: the Relic Hall, the old ZCMI store, the Hatch House, and others.

What was Idaho called in the 1800s? ›

In the early 1800s, Idaho was part of the Pacific Northwest known by Americans as the “Oregon Country.” The region was heavily disputed by American settlers and British and French Canadian fur traders. Great Britain, who claimed the territory as their own, even called it by their own name—the “Columbia District.”

What is Idaho's oldest building? ›

Coeur d'Alene's Old Mission State Park is home to the oldest building in Idaho. The Mission of the Sacred Heart was constructed between 1850 and 1853.

Is Idaho City a good place to live? ›

It is a very quaint small town. Most people know each other and look out for each other. It is great location and plenty of outdoor activities for folk of all ages. It is a safe location, with a very rich mining history and lots of nostalgic feel.

What are 3 major cities in Idaho? ›

Idaho at a Glance

Boise, the state's capital, is located in the southwestern part of the state. It is also the state's largest city, followed by Couer d'Alene, Idaho Falls, Pocatello and Lewiston.

What is the population of Idaho City in 2024? ›

Idaho City has a 2024 population of 549. It is also the county seat of Boise County. Idaho City is currently growing at a rate of 3.78% annually and its population has increased by 17.31% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 468 in 2020.

Idaho City | Mining, Gold Rush & Ghost Town ...Britannica ›

Idaho City, city, seat (1864) of Boise county, southwestern Idaho, U.S., above the confluence of Elk and Mores creeks. It lies in a mountainous area of Boise Na...
Population in 2022: 509 (0% urban, 100% rural). · Estimated median household income in 2022: $43,912 (it was $28,068 in 2000) · March 2022 cost of...
However, after all the gold was plucked out of the Boise Basin, the prospectors left almost as quickly as when they rushed in. The town's population sank an...

What is the altitude of Coeur D Alene Idaho? ›

What is the highest elevation of Idaho? ›

At an elevation of 12,662 feet Borah Peak is the highest peak in Idaho. We hope you find the information on this page useful in planning your climb and we hope you have an enjoyable trip. You can view our Borah Peak climbing information letter by clicking here.

Is Boise Idaho considered high altitude? ›

The downtown area's elevation is 2,704 feet (824 m) above sea level. Most of the metropolitan area lies on a broad, flat plain, descending to the west.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.