The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

THURSDAY, APItTL 0, ,1031 TRIIjTJflfo YMOUB, INDIANA. TVV.l the Fall tcftn opened li lrrjo. iHail the Champion ci Every Fwln Life SloryTofl Kiiute Rockno Leading Exponent of Sport Tn'in Inc. VubUsiwr M. CWN'NBiWiitor ml tl- Synmr, Indiana, padates its rolls (there aije more than lr4(50Qhidiput3.

there now), andNotre Dam had: hardly any ootbatt-prestigfc) "Shorty Longman, 1 'former Michigan star.wisC of frridiron activities and fwaa; the first varsity ooacb- Bofki'l, ever Knute joined the Sqliad btit it was not until the middle his After Four, Years'asMail Sorter, "Kock Headed, for South Bend, Where He Secured Part-time -v Job as Janitor, Working His Way Through College 'Whose Colors He JIade Famous. 3 IS PAlLT By Carrier. a TW ix Month! i iireo Month 1 i -J in Week DAILY BWall In Advanf. i tL tt 5 is as 4.o Bophom*orfr yew thatch; fjotj a (nTaTTcfT'lo ami' only for a 5 4 -4 8 1 rVrIRS' OF' TPK ASSOCIATES) TKESS 1 "Va" Anwiatea rrs olitlcd to the for re publication of Wl tiw oisjiaicn ,1 eJ tOi It 'ir i'W'WMTWW o.i in thi tiier. fclo the bhort against As Knute later admitted, he Vas set so ltot that -day -bo blocked out of pay' kttd on several occasions.

But lie was learning And in the F1 1911 be became chammy with aa-other future star, Charles "Qus" Dorals. That was the' start of one of modern football's "most brilliant Combinatldiisthe f. Castor and Pollux of Notre. Dame's glorious grid ftituire. a fairly good yrsitj In 1912.

Roekne was' elected ap-taih for 1013. 0 4 fcjM.W published herein, Jla! Advertising I4cpreejllve SCHKEREH, In 1 lo Lexington jw TiSJ-RSDAY, APRIL' 9, 1031 'LLYBIELE THOUGHT -rtitrfhrSummer .1 MIBUS SERVICE Hurn Roekne and Dorais got jobs at Cedar Point, a Lake Erije n- v-'l failing on three previous occasions "Maureen Qrcutt, of RnglewoodJtNAtJibas udf, tournament, at PinehuwiC C. Slie is; being congratulated by Virginia Van Wie, of: Chicago, after her victory by the narrow liiargin of ouetip. 'MV" HELP :4 a in poor and yet tho Lord thinketh up-thou art my help an my make no tarrying, Psalm 40:17. Till! GENUINE v.

Chicago's New Mayor com i Here's an imported 6ve-certt cigar sealed in cellophane so that its fresh aroma cannot escape Sold in a packet of seven for a A quality cigar with a so.n on me oeacn oi wnica and passing wit a footbaU niost of their dayhght pfl hpnrc. There was germinated hoid-fron's "Air Age!" There i was born the prime element of Npte Dame's future fame! There was formed one the, greatest jtwo-; man combinations in Ajnericfdhi eniials! ..1 That-Faft the weapon's upset and thrill was. uraished by Notre Dame when Boraisf'd-i Roekne routed a strong 'jAriny team, 33-13, in the most glittering display of forward" paijsaig ever seen at West Poinji pt 1i any other Eastern' gndironl t' next and for Wf after, the press acclatn'ieil a great new power in jfootball. Notre Dame's star had with Dorais and Roekne as pilots of flavor hcyond compare. If you didn't know better, you'd say it cost more.

Selected tobaccos. ill. Long filler. "V' 1 A (5e each) aiAPTBit nr. South four years ttetween jrradna- the game's Air Age.

jiofl from, high" school, and his enthusiastic over hi exjeriences with the efrtl -Verviee system, "uneven and unfair," no he declared. Famed for his he credited consideraWf of its development to hi practice of memorizing all the mail distribution That was tjje year cf Hawley's debut as Notre DtMheAs 1 FOR SALE BYCOOD DEALERS EERY- 'X' vz coach. Ho had succeeded frlERFS NO MISTAKE! Hons IS coal that worth per ton I Everybody Ji knows by experience pct god is -what comfort it furnishes, how cIcai' it is to store, bat amount is left in 1 ash the all 'round comfort providing ttcosls iaj'Mere! JRAYKOSD-ClTYl COAL, Ter Ton) Z- Tni S1LO0 Cash Marks, who, 1911, had taken. ''Shorty Longjnaa' wx place-! WHERE wi'nta mill train schedules south Kockne always had a tmrticnar matriculation at Notre Dame eoh-etitutes, perhaps, the most erit-ieal, period in Knute Hot-kne's career, lie had been brought to fhreounfry rofuT ttr Tirs sixth year, he learned our language among other things during bis eight years in grarnmaf school and be; ms graduated from high whool with a good record in nineteenth year. From une A of Chifa*go.

"It was rather easy i liking for Mark, even though.tjie for me to rprncmlmr intricate de-1 latter had tried, lain out an jrub tails of various plhys after the fullback where the 150-noiiiiU jKistoffice explabed "Rock" received many a' battering Roekne in later. from such physical giants 'as'tte On a salary of alwut a plunging Eichenlaub and the saveft enssive- Bergman. 14 Marksi -finkllr: ICEzdCCiD 191.9: he woj-ked unorder to XHHtfaijl.oH(4 4 1,000 ui years and, dropped Knute from the regoltr- finallv, he seemetl "all fset" to Phone Number 4. to go "to' college. llchy myth have been spread Anton JosephCermak is Chicago's world's fair mas'or, pemo- squad to, a hall team, but his methods had hardened "Rock' until lie, was about as touh as they, come At lootball.

And finally he made the team as an In the 1VVinteri 'o; 1913-13 Roekne's father (dmd: aiwi, thouji, he made Yth. track team thM Spring as a halfmilery Knute waa erat; leader of his party awl serving bin third term as. president the Board of t'ounty Comiulssioncrs, he defeated Mayor Wil realize hw ambition -of entering the University if nCbieatro. But in)t(iry showed living conditions high there and. also at Champaign, llkv wha he turned towards Illinois University.

He could not obtain assurance of outside work in either place. Finally, he learned two pals- that there was a good chance of Wing able "to work oue's way" through Notre Dame. And so he headed for South liam' Hale Thompson, Republican, by What promises to lie the largest majority cVer given a candidate for the office. Among the concerning those four years when "Rock" Vas out of school. Le-endu had it that 3io hardened himself for football as a lumberjack the Canadian woods, as a sailor on the Great Lakes, as a railroad gang laborer, andv.

as a tvtockyard stevedore, But they are only colorful imaginings. Indeed, during nearly all that critical period Itoekne was U. R. mail employe a sorter and dis- first to congratulate Mr. Cermai-k wits Municipal Judge John 11.

Jle, whom Mayor Thompson defeated or the Republican REIIEMBER! CALL 22 -rCH ANY INSURANCE COVERAGE YOU HAY NEED Real Estate For Sale or Trade fl V. RICHART Trust XJldi THE HOUSE OF COAJVE XMlORTERS Evan.vlIlC", tiofi. Photo shows Judge Lyle ton tuc lelt) congratulating Mayor-' Indlnnapolls, Ind. Tect Cerm'ak. on the point of abandoning co- lege when he heard that another 1 coach was to succeed 1 However, when be met Hawley at the South Bend railroa "clicked" from the start.

I Furthermore, Roekne and Do DIAMOND GUST A dTilfd liy the AHSoclated inoutor oi man irom a nicago postoffica. He played little or no fKtball vluriag tliose four years bat he did exercise retDilarly In Mattingly held the Big League sludgers to two hits yesterday, the Brooklyn manager said he probably would take him back with the Tfohins. rais bad perfected thejr' passshig game, and Hawley gave free reign r3 Bend, where he ibluined a part-time job as a janitor in the suhooTs chemical lalwratory, in wliK-li, a few years later, he was to function so well as an Instructor in chemistry. Now Knute was, in his twenty-third year when he entered Notre Dame, the cge at which most students trre seniors there. When gymnasiums and was good enough to qualify as a half-miler with tc that gems or his enterprising "airmen." Their triumph over YKSTKRDAY'S RESULTS.

At Philadelphia Philadelphia the Illinois Athletic the Armv was so impressive that Pocahontas Roekne always had tond recol the West Point footbal) authori April 0. The Freddy Lind-a quite suC- IE' iN) (Al 2. Greenville, S. ex-third baseman, jStrom, has become cessfol right fielder lections of bis post office fellow- ties secured perun'ssioti for Rock asningion asiungion 'A) Boston (X) 5. workers, though he was never for Uie New ne and Dorais to stay a wek At Kansas City Detroit (A) S3 1 J' 'kv A 7 Pittsburgh (N) 4.

near Storm' King to teach the Cadets passing techniqe. They were apt pupib. When Navy mM, the air-minded soldiers in their f-f? York Giants but ia one respect he does not measure up to Met Ott. Lindy has not learned to tell from the crack of the bat when a hit will be a long Af Greenville, -S. Chicago 1HL ttiose old West Virginia Coal East Kentucky Coat He F.

WHITE (A) 12; Xcw York (X) fi-At C-olumbiis, O. Boston (A) climas game Pritchard Mcrf fone and to turn his buck and run Jlj'-'Cblumbus (AA) rilat overwhemed the Middies In Agency EASTMAN KODAKS and FILMS Bring your Kodak finishing to us, for prompt service. LOERTZ DRIK STORE Phone 116 No. 101 East 2nd unsafe threadbare tires PHONE. No.

b'At Louisville, Ky. Cincinnati fasjiiont That brief session wnh tne 1 a N) 'Louisville (AA) 4. 'At Birmingham, Ala, Birmingham (SA) Cleveland (A) 3. Cadets was the first actual Do it now and save still to get under it. He keeps eye on the ball and trails it until he gets where it is going to land but occasionally costs hhn catch he might make by the other method and makes' more catches look hard.

1 coaching experience both Ij" i-3 -3 more money by deciding: At Tort Worth, Uockne and Dorais. It was .1 ho far as the own. iass- (N 8'; Fort Worth (T) 8 (tie). "I wit boy ntytaadlug mtkt ttHnl" x-1 At Maon, Ga. Hartford (E) ing gam ls conceraea.

set the seal of genius oa Notre Da rrte Brooklyn (N) 2. All Size All Pricoi AH the latest types AflTX: At Wichita, Kansl (St. Louis football and was the real start of 1 tho Ho-callix) "Roekne' svslerrt1 (A) 11; Wichita (W) 9. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT A(0'iii7-A ilil.nlll. XT Vow TVrfc that has revoiutionized 'fiigh-clask Tirei and Tuetf ft.

ill iifHit iiuvj 'tn KTtt, WOtX A WD BTTII.nilfO MATERIA Ik PAIWTS ABO OILS. BTTIXDERg IllDWttl, AABJQSTOa QQriSa gridiron tactics and strategy. (A) 11; Ashevillc (P) 3. At Huhtsville, Ala. St, Ijouis Tak arfvantags of ur low 131 pcietj What happened to "Rock" af wHiHUiiiiiiimiiiiiwmt- By Aoclated Pre.

Moline, Ross Chicago, outpointed Mike Obud, Columbus (8 Jaok Kane, Chicago, llH) 14; Huntsville 4. ter being graduated and attached to the Notre- Dame faculty a an evVst Ih jrew 4 PbOB It, 418 I. Chtat It. Symourv Indiana, i v' April (). If stopped Jaek lelBiontj Toledo N.

AhcvUle, assistant chemistry instructor up uatil the tike 4ooAmehcad PREST-O-LITE Batierles bhecr. conticutratiou can win the American League i)ennant, Tony Harohl Schumacher (above), 20. Can bonst of being ona. of the -few' players in major to. mtep frmi' college to ('iaiiKHnl in fast compnny.s Last year wa a inembes of.

the varsity tcoua of. MlUigan Col- coach at SouthV Bead' wul le de- Cedaj; Iu.iEddio An FREE end fr fci Off in the tx)phapteri)o the WW Discovered Xmr- Scott fk Scott LaiKeri ought to bring the flag" toJTerson, Chicago, Tolttpoiuted Joo tb New York Yankees, for he Cedar Rapids, (10)) certainly does think about It. Young Geno, La leaa Feotbabll a it a today. U'gc; is tlie- pitching ralsutr Gnimtm lArtmA CHIROPRACTORS Tony And Charley. Ruffing were 'knocked oat Billy luiowles, t.hi- cago (3).

here walking along the street hope of the New York Oiants, 'liowjr) Tbc pdm flwll iw Hchu-maclier demonstrates -how CMVf IM WOMEN JURORS BARRED Connecticut RefuVed rIq! I ga2iug at store windows. 1) RechirtlBg' don't "I like to window shop, holds tho -pill for a chajigo-of- Tltc redheaded woodpecker is a forehanded the, authorities serve in ccun cases. CmZEKS TIRE SERVICE Jud A Ewbif St. Iheti4 85. youjf 1' asked Ruffing.

win it," replied Lazwri, if we get tlie pitching." V. H. EliFJOH at Sequoia national park, California, say. The birds' hori hole hi the park road guide posts. and wedge Into" JTie Hartford, April 1--Wowea of CoBnectteot who woiiH like-to-do jary duty and have imiMtnmemmmmmmmmKtjmmmmmmt i niMwmiiia Ice Cream ind Ices.

"Tcii iaW Frencli Hickory Nut, Bi Wk, Pink ami -r- 1 INSURANCE AND, L0AN.3 Ceytnow Indiana y.wnci told th "Oeaerif A'mW ftri twoodpeckers don eat tho a. is puzzled. Alter pendinjf Cnarasteed Tire Repairiag-all makes-estimatcs free year that they" afowillin serve, -lost -wit again yesterday niost or the sprWtit deciding J1? PPrntnHni rers on hb Bquadf wrms evelop in the MOBILOIL PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES wmcR ot the piay when the Koasc 'rejected- 'f iWH acorns. OKoccxrra r.r avb he wanted Charge Account Timet Payment keep he sent the Wkito- Brick, Plain Caramel, Lein-oii Cliocoiate, Cherry" Nut, Stfawberry and Vanilla, Pineapple rtml Orang lee.

dit. Price Confectionery. i i "j-1, v- lell niufcic tho new to giv them the right to serve CBA0 1CXATI surplus to Hartford, Brooklyn's DR. CHAS. E.

GILLESFiE Practice Limited Diseases. of the Eve, Ear.Jlose and Throaty and FITTING GLASSES INDIANA Several woraea member toted lit North Fji stern League fann. Thetx the cmzsnsTin mm against thr Th4 education and medical car ot Indians in.AljiH; ka is now in the charge bureau, of Indian affairs, instead the caiillcn in Riverside thurch REVIVAL W4ITI1 BX8XEX. Prop. 13 DtiS Phone Main 35.

Cor. Second and wing y'otfligers "Jtnrncd afound I and Robin twice in four games and now he's not sure his decisions, were right. After Earl .1 heard Each eyenina at First Bap A4 1 tight mUesaway. of the efflee 3 dtt.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.